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19 September 2021

14:00 – 16:00

Wiggle Room

Embodied health & stress relief sessions, for single parents

Are you a single parent with no time for self-care? Curious about your body and what its capable of but with out the space or resources to invest in expensive well being courses?

Wiggle room is our monthly workshop with a single parent focus, we’ll take the kids of your hands while you learn how to work with TRE® (Tension Stress and Trauma Release Exercise), a powerful self-help practice that supports all aspects of physical and mental health.

Lately it seems everybody is talking about resiliency and trauma, and a huge range of self-help tools have become more available since lockdown. Accessing these however can be hard for single parents with young children due to the additional costs of childcare and the challenge of finding the space to focus.

To tackle this, Bidston Observatory, in conjunction with TRE® Centre, would like to make accessible a powerful self-help tool to single parents that might typically struggle to invest in their personal health and well being.

Accompanying our once a month Sunday class will be a workshop for kids, designed to activate their creativity and curiosity. Hosted by BOARC's resident play expert (a fully qualified teacher) we’ll take the kids off your hands so you can join the class and focus on yourself.

The intention of the sessions are to support participants in their self-empowerment, with each workshop involving a short teaching about the workings of our nervous system as well as a session of Tension Stress and Trauma Release Exercises. TRE® is a scientifically proven body practice that once learnt, can be used at home to naturally help manage stress and tension in the body. Over time it releases the impact of past adversity and brings the system into balance which has lasting effects on all aspects of physical and mental health.

Its been found to positively impact a wide variety of ailments from insomnia to fibromyalgia, PTSD and anxiety.

While all bodies are different, participants normally report feeling a sense of calm or more relaxed after the first session and with a renewed fascination in the workings of their body.

Numbers will be limited, and places specifically allocated to those in the Merseyside region who need childcare in order to participate.