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30 April 2023


Ritual & bonfire

Monday, 1st May 05:15

Sun Upping on the hill

Beltane 2023

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These rituals are run by Mandy and take place on the bottom carpark under Bidston Obseravtory & Lighthouse.

In addition, there will be a Mayday sun-upping, at 05:15 on Monday, 1st May.

The Mersey Morris and the Mockbeggar Morris will dance the sun up on Bidston Hill, as they do every year to help the sun rise. They perform their sum welcome on the flat area on top of Bidston Hill, to the south of the Observatory.




Welcome Spring!

The light has returned and life has come back to the earth. The soil is dark and full of energy, so today we plant our seeds. They will lie in the soil, taking root and growing until the time has come for them to meet the sun.

As we plant these seeds we give thanks to the earth for its strength of life — bring gifts. Give each person a pot of soil then pass out the seeds and say:

Tiny seeds, containing life! They travel on the wind and bring to us abundance. Flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruit, all the bounty of the earth.

We give thanks to the seeds for the gifts that are to come in the harvest season.

Push seeds into the soil. Pass around water and say:

Water, cool and life giving! Bring power to these seeds as you moisten this fertile soil.

We give thanks to the water for allowing life to bloom once more.

Today we plant seeds in the earth.

But Beltane is a time in which many things can grow.

Today we plant seeds in our hearts and souls, for other things we wish to see blossom.

We plant the seeds of wisdom, of happiness.

We dig deep and begin a crop of harmony, balance and joy.

We offer wishes into the fire, to carry them out into the universe.

Each person should write on their paper something they wish to see blooming in their own life, e.g. harmony, happiness, financial security, strong relationships, healing etc. They then approach the fire one by one and cast the paper into the flames.

Of all sabbats, Beltane is the most joyous. The last lingering traces of winter are now past and what stands before us is the beauty and wonder of spring as we prepare for summertime. Today we give thanks for the blessings given to us at this time of year and ask the Lord and Lady to continue to look over us and bless us.

So mote it be.


Calling the Quarters


We call on the light and air at the East

to illuminate and send us winds of understanding.


We call on the light and fire at the South

to illuminate and send us energy of assertion.


We call on the light and water at the West

to illuminate and send us flows of sensitivity.


We call on the light and earth at the North

to illuminate and send us strength of grounding.


Closing the Circle


Depart in peace, elemental Air

My blessings take with you.


Depart in peace, elemental Fire

My blessings take with you.


Depart in peace, elemental Water

My blessings take with you.


Depart in peace, elemental Earth.

My blessings take with you.
